Love your hair; an interview with S. Masyn Moyer of Urban Pearl Salon
The grass is always greener
Masyn, I loved what you said in your salon about how people don’t love their own hair and are always looking for something else. For instance, my hair is stick straight and baby-fine and I’m really attracted to thick and curly manes. Helping women accept who they are is a big part of what BeYourselfBeautiful is about. So, if you want to say something about that from the perspective of a hair pro, that would be great.
Working with your hairand the current trend
“Acceptance is something that’s hard for a lot of us, especially when we see trends in hair and fashion that are other than what God has given us. However, instead of going for the exact look you see, try taking elements of the trend to keep yourself looking fresh. If straight hair with a heavy bang is “in” but you have curly hair and no bangs, work with your stylist to give you a bang or shape that mimics what you are looking for without having to work all morning at it. Also, if you watch the trends there is usually something for everyone in each season just as there is in fashion. Yes, some things can only be worn by certain body types, but there is at least one look in a trend for everyone, you just need to look for it. The trick to anything in fashion or hair is to find what works for you. Give your stylist room to help you create that. I guarantee once you have found your look, you will feel it!”
Thus making it easy on yourself and your stylist!
Tips for dry winter locks and scalps
Can you give us a few tips on taking care of your hair at the end of winter? We’re not usually at our healthiest during this time, just starting to come out of hibernation, wearing hats, and it’s cold and dry outside or hot and dry with the inside.
“Late winter is brutal on hair, and especially on scalps. Most of us in cold regions spend a lot of time in heated environments that cause major dry skin. Often-times we make the mistake of thinking we have dandruff when all it is is dry skin. If you treat yourself for dandruff you are going to give yourself a host of other issues. Instead, think of your scalp like a plant. For the plant to grow well you need to feed the soil. Our scalps, like our bodies, need a good intake of water, healthy food and sometimes certain supplements like fish oil. You can also help your scalp by reducing how often you wash your hair. You can rinse it every day and even condition it if your hair can take it, but at a minimum reduce the number of times per week you cleanse your scalp’s natural oils. They’re there for a reason.There are additional conditioning treatments you can request in your salon during this time as well.”
BeYourselfBeautiful has its own personal Hair Consultant!
Masyn is the owner of Urban Pearl, a gem of a salon on Pearl Street in Boulder just off the beaten tourist track. The urban sparseness of open space, wood floors and exposed brick walls makes you feel like you’re in a loft in a city, not a hair salon in cozy Boulder. Masyn’s no-nonsense attitude is reflected in the decor – neither frou-frou nor industrial – as well as her stylists who know how to create the latest looks but won’t give you an earful of the latest gossip. I highly recommend it.
Masyn, owner of Urban Pearl Salon has graciously offered to answer any questions related to hair: styles, cuts and colors, product, textures, hair health, whatever. Just write your questions in the comments box below and will be answered in a post. Please write in at any time, Masyn is here for you!
Thank you Masyn!