Yoga Tone video by Kristin McGee

Yoga + Weight Training = Fantastic Body

I am SOOO excited about the release of this video! I had the absolute pleasure of working on this video with Kristin (produced for Yoga Tone by FILA) and am really happy to be able to share it.

Not only is Kristin a sweetheart with a fantastic sense of humor, but she really lives her yoga. Filming was effortless and she was so appreciative of our whole crew. Not to mention watching her perform these moves tirelessly and with such grace.

You really get a sense of Kristin as a yoga teacher when you watch her perform these moves and instruct. Her upbeat personality really translates to video and helps to urge you on to complete a series of movements or to the end of the flow. One thing I love about this video is that she offers you multiple options for the poses depending on your strength and flexibility level. Being a longtime yoga practitioner I see the absolute necessity of this. Especially without the hands-on instruction of a personal teacher you have to have options for backing off a pose when the going gets tough. It may be uncomfortable to build muscle and work it hard, but it should NEVER be painful! Kristin designed this series herself and her skill as a teacher shines in this crossover workout.

So don’t be shy, get your workout on

You can buy a DVD of this workout at

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