Today is a birthday

New Beginnings

Actually, today is my birthday. And to celebrate my new beginnings for this next chapter of my life I am designating today the official birthday of! This website represents for me a lifetime (so far) of accomplishment, of learning, and of the growth and discovery of me as a fully fledged human being; not unlike the butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. That’s not to say that I don’t have lots more room to grow and more to discover and learn! I am ever looking forward to my unfolding as a better human being. And just as every human being has a unique collection of gifts, talents, skills, and wisdom to share with the universe and add to its unfolding, this website is part of my own sharing. I do hope you enjoy it and take from it anything that will increase your own beauty as a human being.


So, what is BeYourselfBeautiful? The passion behind Be is the discovery of healthy, authentic beauty. Through revealing the value of pure products and teaching sustainable beauty practices and rituals, Be aims to enlighten and encourage women who are seeking alternatives to the toxic, mainstream glamour industry. Most importantly, Be focuses on the inner as well as the outer aspects of beauty and the interplay of both. is an integrated blog style multimedia Website that engages visitors in the experience of an alternative beauty lifestyle. Visitors to this site can go deep or take it light. Some will want to learn about  a DIY age-defying skincare regimen or browse for organic makeup while others may try a guided meditation or a new yoga pose. By gathering a community of experts who share their wealth of knowledge, talents, and passion for self-expression through beauty, there is something for everyone who wants more health and beauty in their lives.

We all want to be beautiful, sexy and real at every age – at 50 and beyond. My aspiration is to help us all get there.  ~ Jen Murphy

Be is designed to offer beautiful alternatives that are really pure and that really work. It fills the need for a sustainable beauty website that engenders more sophisticated consumer awareness about cosmetics and their ingredients while offering a variety of pure alternatives. Cosmetics from companies like Afterglow Cosmetics, Venus and Vetiver, Suuthe by Mari, and Pangea Organics will be featured as just such alternatives. While in development, Be unfolded to reveal a life of its own, organically growing to include the holistic lifestyle that’s truly necessary to create and sustain authentic beauty.


Be yourself beautiful and you will find the world full of beauty.  ~ Arabic Proverb

This proverb literally jumped off of a bracelet and wrapped itself around my heart during a very transitional period in my life. Since then I’ve made it my personal mantra and it became the inspiration for this website. It illustrates that being beautiful is not passive. Beauty is more thanskin deep. Outer beauty plays a part, but only a small part of the whole,”Our beauty comes from who we are, what we are, and what we do. We can’t just slap on some product and say “Here I am, I’m beautiful!”

You have to be it.

Fortunately we all have equal access to that. Beauty is to be found everywhere if we look carefully enough, especially in ourselves.

My Gift

For my birthday I would like you all to give me a simple gift. Please pass on the blessing above to all you love, and any you know who could use some love. It would benefit me if you turned those you love on to my website by sharing this post. You can do this very simply by clicking on the FaceBook button at the bottom of this post (you have to be logged in to FaceBook in order for this to work), or by clicking on the email button to send to friends, or by clicking the thumbs up Like button. Or, if social networking gives you the hives then just retell it the old-fashioned way – in person!

If you like what what you see here you can have new posts emailed to you by clicking the pink envelope button in the right hand corner underneath the red butterfly at the top of the page, or you can sign up for the Be Yourself Beautiful FaceBook page by clicking on the blue FaceBook button.

Thank you all for your own addition to the beauty in this world.

Yours in all things beautiful,

Jen MurphyComment