Partner Yoga @ Theory + Practice
The Partner Yoga Workshop at Theory + Practice Art Gallery just ended. I’m blogging from the space. Wow! What an amazing happening. Led by the masterful Partner Yoginis, Elysabeth Williamson and Leigh Goldberg, this night was not only extremely enjoyable as a community experience, but super heart-opening.
All who came had a great experience, whether couples, single gals with girlfriends, or guys wanting to get more centered in their bodies. Experienced yoga practitioners and novices alike joined up to connect and open with each other.
Partner Savasana anyone?
This practice is deeply powerful for couples, but in a group dynamic it blows the roof off! Amen to deepening connection with each other; with the human race.
I’m floored and grounded simultaneously.
Thanks to Jake Johanson, Tiffani Hillin and Max Johanson for their gracious hosting.