Creating a workflow
Workflow mad scientist: Chase Jarvis
Photographer and blogger Chase Jarvis shares the (somewhat complex) workflow for his photography business. Although I am not a photographer and have nowhere near the need to backup my work like he does, this video reminded me of the importance of having a workflow process that you follow for every project and see through to the end.
And it also reminded me of the importance of backing up. If you’ve never lost a hard-drive or computer with all of your current work on it, you’re either lucky or smart. Back your $h!t up!
Follow it through to the end
Seeing a project through to the bitter end is where I personally get tripped up: the follow-through. Although I have, at times, had great processes for projects, I don’t usually give myself the time and space (and discipline) to see it through to the very last step.
Whether you are working by yourself or with a team, on long projects or tasks that take 10 minutes, have an office or a coffee shop, a computer or a notebook, freelance or fulltime day job, the simple message behind this video applies to you.
Create a workflow
- Create a workflow for yourself.
- Write it out on a flowchart. You can use Skitch on the computer or iPad or draw it on a napkin.
- Remind yourself of the process. Tape it to your wall. Or use it as your desktop image.
- Time out the steps so you know how long it will take you to complete a project.
- Commit to seeing your work through.
- And learn to LOVE your process. (You created it, after all!)
The reward
Real freedom comes from having your work done, or knowing when it will get done so that you can play.
*Thanks Darrin Harris Frisby for forwarding this on!