Sceintifc name: Rosa damascena

Family Name: Rosaceae, rose

Origin: Turkey





Ingredient Features

  • antioxidant
  • antiseptic
  • astringent
  • balancing
  • emollient
  • hydrating
  • skin conditioning
  • toning

User Benefits

  • antioxidant
  • antiseptic
  • cleansing


  • balancing
  • beautifying
  • invites happiness
  • opening
  • uplifting

Function in Products

  • preservative

Rose: Delicately full-bodied, luxurious, steam-distilled rose (also called rose otto) has an astringent effect on oily skin, reducing redness and puffiness, and has a slight tightening effect. A very effective moisturizer, rose has a general stimulating and antiseptic action which is useful for all skin types, but especially so for dry, mature and irritated skin. It is also used to repair broken capillaries. antispasmodic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac and antiseptic, supports reproductive system, treats menstrual problems, hypertension and anxiety, aids circulation, reduces scarring, brings balance and harmony

Rose otto is used in creams, lotions and soaps for its mildly astringent, mildly antiviral and bactericidal, balancing, cooling, deodorant, emollient, potent hydrating, skin conditioning and toning properties as well as its fragrance. The aroma is powerful and comforting. Recommended for dry-dehydrated, delicate-sensitive, normal-combination, tired-mature-wrinkled and traumatized skin. Rose and lavender facial cream is excellent for sensitive combination skin. Rose oil is used for cellulite, chapped skin, dehydration, eczema, sensitivity, stretch marks and wrinkles. Pure essential oil of rose is one of the most wonderful and highly prized oils included in perfumery. It takes about 10,000 pounds of roses to make one pound of essential oil, or 30 roses to make one small drop of oil. This intensely sweet, woody, deep floral top-middle note with rich spicy and honey-like undertones is known as the queen of essential oils. One of the most feminine essential oils, rose promotes unconditional love for self and others. It absorbs confusion, illness, imbalance, and negativity. It is common for heart surgeons to prescribe rose oil to their patients. Emotional benefits include enhancing: calm, compassion, confidence, femininity, fulfillment, happiness, healing, love, motivation, openness, passion, peace, rejuvenation, security, sensuality and sexuality, understanding and warmth. Further emotional benefits include reducing: anger, apathy, depression, disappointment, envy, grief, insecurity, insomnia, jealousy, loss of confidence, sadness, sexual fears, shock, shyness, stress, tension, vulnerability and feelings of emptiness. This uplifting oil also stimulates the heart chakra. See rose petals.

  • rose absolute: antispasmodic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac and antiseptic, supports reproductive system, treats menstrual problems, hypertension and anxiety, aids circulation, reduces scarring, brings balance and harmony



Afterglow Cosmetics Infused Mineral Blush

Lip Balm

Pangea Organics Italian Red Mandarin with Rose Lip Balm

Lip Stick 

Vapour Organic Beauty Siren Lipstick

Face Cream

Pangea Organics Italian Red Mandarin with Rose Facial Cream

Pangea Organics Facial Cream Moroccan Argan with Willow and Rosemary Facial Cream

Facial Oil

Pangea Organics Himalayan Geranium and Pomegranate Balancing Oil

Eye Cream

Pangea Organics Turkish Rose and White Tea Eye Cream