Jacaszek ambient mix on R.A. podcasts is: exquisite
The Polish electroacoustic musician connects the dots between his own work and classical music giants on this week’s RA podcast.
. . . while he painstakingly plots his out his pieces on the computer, there is nonetheless a current of emotion that connects Jacaszek to beloved modern composers like Arvo Pärt and Henryk Górecki as much as there is between Jacaszek and producers like Gas, Fennesz and Jóhann Jóhannsson.
Sweeping strings and heart-rending operatics woven with dark tones of bells/organs/analog scratches/sounds of rain, this is another of R.A.’s surprising ambient podcasts. The accoustic guitar section is particularly beautiful. Sentimentality aside, this music makes me want to stop whatever I’m doing and sit down on the floor and cry tears of joy that music producers are expressing this much emotion. Cry with me. ♥