Renew your commitment to your body: promise it yoga

What a body wants

This first month of spring, as we are waking up out of our winter slumber, some of us need to renew our commitments to our bodies.

This is what I’m doing as I bring myself back to yoga (my best body practice) and dig deep. I am inspired by the amazing teachers in my community and relish learning from them in their classes around town.


Anusara Practitioners: Hannah,Leigh, and Patrick

So, you can imagine how happy I am to announce that Patrick Montgomery, a magnificent Anusara yoga teacher here in Boulder, has allowed me to publish his series of musings and instruction on the Universal Principles of Alignment.

Patrick has been teaching us these principles each week in his classes and you can see the progress each student makes as he/she incorporates the principles into his/her own practice. It is not that we are trying to “get somewhere” with our poses, but a deepening of each student’s practice is palpable.

Please follow along with us as you read the posts and incorporate these principles into your practice and into your lives. You will feel the benefit from even just a little bit of focus and effort.

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